Our Story

Glow Studeo is a Los Angeles based product photography studio that focuses on compelling imagery. We strategically create visuals that are cohesive across all channels and align with your brand’s identity. Our strategic process is intentional and detail-oriented.


Founder of Glow Studeo—

Tammy Ng

I am a photographer, web designer, and digital marketer. Prior to Glow Studeo —I co-founded a Jewelry business, Aurori, that focuses on versatile quality pieces with a mission to redefine the jewelry industry and create a community where trends meet empowerment. It was then that I started shooting content with my iPhone and eventually picked up a camera, which led to my love for photography. You can count on me to dive into anything that sparks my interest. Leveraging my willingness to try new things plays a huge role in my life journey.

Besides building a business and creating my dream life, I am passionate about prioritizing mental health. Here are a few of the essentials that contributed to helping me adapt to a more peaceful life in this fast-paced world.

  • reading books

  • daily exercises

  • being in nature

  • morning meditations

  • personal development seminars

  • journaling and monthly reflections

“leave self-doubt in 2020 and see past limitations”

For a very long time, I doubted myself and played small because it was safe. Taking risks meant diving full force into the unknown without a secure plan. Why would I want to do that when I’m comfortable and at a place of familiarity?

Turns out that growth and progress begin outside my comfort zone.

The last thing I’d want for myself is to stay stagnant.

A voice in my head kept saying “you can achieve anything with passion and hard work.” This voice got louder and I gradually started seeing a whole world of possibilities.


Limitations are set by your own perspective and the story created behind it.

Our perception of reality depends on self-thoughts. The belief you hold of yourself matters —start seeing yourself as the person you want to become and not the ongoing dialog of your negative habits. Promise, this shift in your mentality is life-changing.

With this new mindset, I started trusting the process and doubled down on my self-confidence. March 2021, I quit my day job and turned my 3 years-long dream of going all-in on working for myself into a reality.

If you don’t believe in yourself —then who will?