how to build mental toughness


Let’s talk about mental toughness.

When you own a business, this gets tested.. just about every single day.

Having a business, being your own boss, making your own schedule, and having no financial cap sounds fun and exciting. I mean who wouldn’t want all of these things?

The truth is that all of these things are amazing but there’s a whole lot of hard work, determination, sacrifices, and more that goes into it. None of which are ‘easy’ or that ‘exciting’ on the day-to-day. It takes a repetitive process and staying up to date with changes to master a skill. 

Some days, you may feel fired up, filled with creativity, and just in the zone for hours.

Some days, distraction and procrastination seem to take over your life.

A lot of the time, you may feel lost, doubtful, fearful and (insert belief that is preventing you from achieving your goals).

Here are a few things that have contributed to my mental toughness:

  • Doing things that energize you and ignite your fire → boost confidence

  • Feeding your mind with positivity and gratitude → reduce stress

  • Being open-minded to what others have to say → insight on different perspectives

  • Inviting in discomfort and new experiences → personal growth & opportunities

  • Being conscious of your personal space & surrounding (environment, people) → improve mindfulness & quality of life

  • Putting in the hard work and hours → skill mastery

  • Learning from those with more experience and success → growth & efficiency

  • Investing in my mental health (meditating, reading, journaling), physical health (exercising, eating healthy) & business (courses, networking, podcasts) → balanced lifestyle

Some of my favorite resources:




Everything starts with your whymindset, and action

Knowing why you want to achieve certain things, having a belief mindset, and taking immediate actions play a huge factor in business and any other area of your life. Every single day we are given a choice —use that to make the right decision that will be beneficial in helping you build the life you want. 

We often don’t share our struggles because it isn’t a fun topic. BUT what if we started speaking about it more openly? 

Feeling uncomfortable and being vulnerable is not a bad thing!

Let’s make conversations like this a norm and progress as a society.

Please share your thoughts on this topic and your journey to becoming more mentally tough.

Message me on insta or email (:

Tammy <3


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